Reverberations of the Ukraine Recovery Conference

On 4 and 5 July 2022, the Ukraine Recovery Conference took place in Lugano. On 2 July, it was preceded by a small but impressive walk under the motto: NEUTRALITY. The small group from German-speaking Switzerland and Ticino was accompanied, or rather led, by committed freedom trychlers. People on the roadside reacted positively almost without exception, affirming the desire for real neutrality. At the same time, the young communists and workers' parties in Bellinzona held a conference and a short sit-in on the same topic. No one was obstructed.

The Ukraine conference of the 4th and 5th left critical people feeling trepidation, anger and shame.

It was a conference of “tanners discussing a bearskin”.

Which of the 40 invited countries were present remains in the dark.

In his speech via screen, Selenski appeared somewhat friendlier and less demanding than usual – President Cassis could be pleased with his friend.

Cassis, as the organiser, showed himself to be a very well-behaved student in the service of Nato, the EU and the Great Reset with his radiance and conciliation.

Did the Federal Council support this?

With Ursula Von der Leyen it almost came to an eclat. She wants to remain the Ukraine saviour!

Reactions of the media were cautiously critical, those of the WELTWOCHE more open.

It headlines: “FLOP OF LUGANO”.

“What remains of the Ukraine Reconstruction Conference?

Switzerland as the EU’s stirrup holder – party over, pictures in the can”.

The comments are sharp without exception:

– “Setting an example is the most mendacious self-praise, currently in high demand”

– “Cassis as a pipe-drop… a disgrace for Switzerland, which really would have had something to offer……. Cassis also a WEF disciple?”

On 8 July, Russia is declared an enemy by Nato.

On 9 July Selenski demands even more money. He claims to protect Europe.

He dismisses “disobedient” ambassadors.

Putin gives a fantastic speech, which can be seen and heard on YouTube: 

If we in Switzerland really want to resist, we have work to do!

10 July 2022,Ursi Herzig

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